These are maps I created using Inkarnate. They've got good stuff over there and you should check them out.
Geis has four major continents; Mologan, Lothgar, Anterre and Puentas. From the Mystdawn until Mystfall (a period of over 6,000 years), Puentas was hidden behind the Myst.
First up is Mologan, home of the Kol Draahl, the Sroloc Empire and the Seven Kingdoms. Divided into three distinct areas, the Grand Marshes define the western part of the continent, separated from the rest of Mologan by the mighty Cragwall mountains. The Cragwall are the highest mountains on Geis, even the vaunted skyships of the Rune Age are forced to use passes for they are too tall to be overflown and their faces are nothing more than sheer walls. The north and southern ends are covered in forests; to the south are more deciduous woodlands while the north are rain forests. The rest of the continent is divided in turn by the Garrol Peaks. While not as high as the Cragwall, they are formidable mountains in their own right. North of the Garrol is the area known since end of the Age of War as the Madlands. These lands are not devoid of life, but all life that lives there thrive on killing each other. It is a predatory land, filled with and created by manitou gone mad. The very land itself shifts and moves. Dead trees continue to grow if they can find prey ignorant enough to land within reach of their limbs. Fierce predators that resemble nightmare creatures of all sizes prowl the land and skies. South of the Garrol is the fertile plain known as the Seven Kingdoms. Home to every race on Geis, the Seven Kingdoms were united during the Age of Dreams. Each of the Seven Kingdoms is represented on the Court of Kings. When the Presiding High King leaves office (normally at their death), the Court selects a new one. The new High King denounces rulership of their own kingdom to serve all seven. This system of governance is unique on Geis.
Next is Lothgar, home of Dogol, Kailang, Bel-Aq, Beltizhan, Wyverzia, Deep Bay, Elbareth, Manessa and Halior, as well as the Forbidden Forest and Sairao Goldriver, the Wolfmage. From the frozen steppes of the Northern Wastes to the tip of Gelnwatch, Lothgar has served as the home of many heroes and adventures. Both the largest desert and the largest plain are found here.
Anterre is the home of the Empire and its unconquered neighbor, Jiorta. Theirs is a calamitous and bellicose history. Throughout the Age of Dreams, the Empire loomed as a danger to the free people of Lothgar and Mologan but none more so than the island nation of Jiorta. Due west of them stands a symbol of the Emperor's might; the rock bare peninsular that was once the kingdom of Karon. Karon hosted and financed the Phoenix, a centuries-old group dedicated to the eradication of the seemingly ageless Emperor Krol. Krol tired of their antics and eliminated the entire kingdom so that no living thing - not even plants - remained to defy him. The tactic worked; it was over a hundred years before the Phoenix rose again.
Finally there is Puentas. The most dangerous continent of them all. The land here was terraformed by the Dragon Kings to suit their needs. The massive Four Towers each with peaks that mark them all as the highest places on Geis stand silent vigil for the falling of the Myst. It was here that the Dragon Kings were isolated by the great Myst. It was here they planned and plotted for millennia. It was here they eradicated all humanity and forced the other races; Sroloc, Ancilene, Grenis, Malacore, Helgaur and Minotaur to serve them or suffer the same fate. Dragons here are found in more abundance than anywhere else on Geis; the great beasts that soar the skies, massive serpents that churn under the water and even legless wyrms that burrow through the very firmament itself. All have been bent to their will and theirs have been bent to the Great Dragon King who rules over all from the fiery heart of the Dragon Court.